Packaging Design
Project: Kettle Corn Popcorn Packaging
Client: Imperfect Foods
Creative Director: David Ziegler-Voll
Art Direction: Bill Main
Using a bold color palette and playful hand-drawn typography, and expressive illustrations, we created a design that evoked the excitement of a night out at the town carnival.

Project: Pile Driver Pale Ale Packaging
Client: Royal Palms Brewery
Creative Director: Bill Main
The illustrated beer can design for Royal Palms Brewery captures the essence of professional wrestling with bold and dynamic illustrations of monsters executing iconic wrestling moves. Each can features a unique monster performing a different maneuver, serving as the centerpiece of the design and embodying the spirit of the beer's namesake wrestling move. Complemented by bold typography, the design exudes a powerful and energetic vibe that resonates with fans of both craft beer and professional wrestling.

Project: Chai Spiced Oat Protein Smoothie
Client: Imperfect Foods
Creative Director: David Ziegler-Voll
Art Direction: Bill Main
We wanted the warming and sweet-tasting flavors of this smoothie to be reflected in the artwork on the bottle so we created a whimsical series of illustrated elements featuring happy little cinnamon sticks and ginger roots that joyfully dispense silly statistics about this sweetly-spiced sippable.

Project: Cascara-Dusted Dark Chocolate Espresso Beans
Client: Imperfect Foods
Creative Director: David Ziegler-Voll
Art Direction: Bill Main
A toe-tapping beatnik finds himself transformed into the living symbol of the sweet and fruity flavor of these Cascara-dusted beans. Bold and Funky hand-drawn type sets off this attention-grabbing design.

Paper food wrappers for the Good Stuff chain of beach-themed casual-dining restaurants

El Segundo Brewery reached out for us to create some custom artwork for their annual brewery t-shirts along with a festive update to the Broken Skull Beer badge seen here.

Organic 5 Year Aged White Cheddar Cheese for Imperfect Foods